011 894 6622 info@gasolutions.co.za

In Today’s LED Lighting Tower Game there are 3 kinds of players.
Those who make things happen | Those who watch things happen | Those who wonder what happened.

Mobile LAMPS

MSLED 168K – 9

6 x 300W Lamps - 50,000hrs p/light 168,000 lumens

MSLED 224K – 9

8 x 300W Lamps - 50,000hrs p/light 224,000 lumens

MSLED 280K – 9

10 x 300W Lamps - 50,000hrs p/light 280,000 lumens

GEN2 SSLED504K – 12

18 x 300W Lamps - 50,000hrs p/light 504,000 lumens

MLLED200K – 9AC – K

4 x 500W Lamps - 359° rotation / 200,000 lumens - low noise


0.4Kw Output - Energy Efficient / 52,000 lumens - Zero noise

Mobile Lighting Solutions

“G.A. Solutions provides tailored services together with our plant & equipment to fit each client’s specific budgetary & contractual requirements.”